Monday, September 30, 2019

Notes on Psychology

Mary Insinuators: Methods: Insinuators performed a longitudinal study in Uganda. She used home visits, naturalistic observations, and interviews with the mothers of the children, using an Interpreter. The babies ranged from 15 weeks to two years old when the study began, and were observed every two weeks for nine months In a natural environment (the family living room). A researcher observes a child's reactions when a mother briefly leaves her child alone in an unfamiliar room. The way the child behaves during the separation and upon the mother's return can reveal Important Information about attachment.Four categories of behaviors were assured and observed: (1 ) separation anxiety: the unease the infant showed when left by the caregiver, (2) the infant's willingness to explore, (3) stranger anxiety: the Infant's response to the presence of a stranger, and (4) reunion behavior: the way the caregiver was greeted on return The observer noted the behavior displayed and scored the behavio r for intensity on a scale of 1 to 7. Describe the Work of Bowl Bowl was one of the most influential theorists In the area of children's emotional and social development Define â€Å"Attachment† Attachment is the emotional bond between child and caregiver.It can be observed from around 7 months of age, and manifests itself as separation anxiety in the child when the caregiver is not present. A key element in attachment is parent sensitivity Name the 3 Main Theories of Attachment The Strange Situation Paradigm (Insinuators) which showed the different categories of attachment. Bellboy's Internal Working Model, which showed how early attachment patterns resulted in internal schemas about relationships.Continuity Patterns in Romantic Love (Hazy and Shaver), which showed childhood patterns were repeated In adult romantic relationships, and Social ND cultural Factors In Attachment (Van l]candor and Greenberg, Malarkey,et al, which showed attachment patterns were constant cross-cult urally, but which were most prevalent varied by cultural parenting styles. Describe Insinuator's â€Å"Strange Situation Paradigm† An experiment that measured the anxiety and behavior between Infant and mother through a combinations of separations and reunions.Also featured in the â€Å"Strange Situation† was the introduction of a stranger, someone not known to the child, in order to observe the child's reaction Name the 3 Categories of I OFF stressed when mother leaves, seeks contact upon her return. Ambivalent Attachment (type C): infant is distress when mother leaves, quickly seeks contact upon return, but then rejects mother Avoidance Attachment (type A): infant show no distress when mother leaves, avoids contact upon return, and is not afraid of the stranger.Typical of babies of unresponsive mothers. Describe the 4th Attachment Category added by Main and Solomon (1990) Insecure/Disorganized/Disoriented Attachment (type D): child shows no reaction to mother leaving or returning. Associated with abused children. Research Evidence for Attachment Theory: Insinuators (1969) Agenda Project Observed 28 Uganda mothers interacting with their child through naturalistic observations in the home. Measured mother's sensitivity to infants signals and needs, identified as 2 key factors in attachment.If a secure attachment is formed the child will feel worthy of love and attention. This internal model tends to be reproduced in adult relationships. Explain Bellboy's Theory of Attachment History The internal working model reflects an individual's experiences about the accessibility of attachment figure, different experiences may explain different attachment patterns, as well as attachment disorders What does the study of Social and Cultural Factors tell us about Attachment?Cross cultural studies tend to confirm the four attachment categories, but also show different distributions, based on differing cultural practices. Research Evidence for Social and Cultura l Differences in Attachment: Van Condoner and Greenberg (1988) Looked at 32 studies from 8 countries, covering 2,000 infants. They found, for example, that Japan showed more ambivalent attachment than the West, but no avoidance attachment. Secure attachment was more common in the West.Explain Continuity Attachment Patterns in Romantic Love The theory is that the patterns of attachment form in early childhood and that are translated into schemas via the inner working model repeat themselves in adult romantic relationships Research Evidence for Continuity Attachment Theory: Hazy and Shaver (1978) Compared attachments with parents to romantic adult attachments. Assumed inner workings model, and then compared self-reported attachment ACH of Insinuator's categories were roughly the same.Further, secure lovers described their relationships as happy, trusting and friendly, Avoidance lovers displayed fear of intimacy, emotional highs and lows, as well as Jealousy. Bivalent attachment charac terized romantic love as obsessive, filled with highs and lows, extreme sexual attraction, and Jealousy Evaluation of Hazy and Shaver (1978) Supported idea that attachment styles could be found in adult romantic love. Some concern that sample was self-selected and disproportionately female. Forced choices may have skewed the data. However, a follow by Hazy and Shaver ten years later replicated the results.Research Evidence for Social and Cultural Differences in Attachment: Mistake et al. (1985) Explained attachment differences between US and Japan. Japanese mothers put greater emphasis on close relationships, but urge children to develop their own identity and solve problems with a wider social group. US children are more independent, but rely on adults to solve problems. US shows more avoidance attachment, a consequence of independence, while Japanese children show more secure attachment and are more sensitive to group needs as adults.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Study of Mrs. Warren’s Profession Essay

Although George Bernard Shaw finished writing Mrs. Warren’s Profession in 1893, he was unable to get a license to stage it until 1902. Since this play deals with the double standards between rich and poor and men and women the inability for it to be performed in London for nine years is both poignant and ironic. This time lapse emphasizes the â€Å"the victimization of young women and girls, not just in brothels . . . to which society conveniently turned a blind eye† (Dierkes-Thrun 293). The royal censor chose to ignore the issues Shaw’s play presents in favor of more conventional, happier plays. Although nominally about Mrs. Warren’s profession as a prostitute and madam, the play also deals with incest, the relationship between Victorian men and women, and the relationship between Mrs. Warren and Vivie Warren. The theme that drives the play is the victimization of the poor caused by the underpaying and overworking of women and men by the social institutions in England. Broad and Broad cite the preface to Getting Married† where in 1908 Shaw wrote, â€Å"I have shewn [sic}]that Mrs. Warren’s Profession is an economic phenomenon produced by our underpayment and illtreatment [sic] of women who try to earn an honest living† (64-5). Shaw illustrates this victimization with the relationships between the four male characters and the two women. These men all appear to have the same interest and relationship in Vivie as they do in her mother, Kitty Warren. Praed, the first male appearing on stage has an artistic temperament and a long term friendship with Mrs. Warren. He denies that he has a sexual relationship with her and has had â€Å"nothing to do with that side of Mrs. Warren’s life [her profession as a prostitute and madam], and never had. † He claims that he is just a friend who helps Kitty Warren â€Å"escape from her own beauty† (Shaw 66). He appears to have come to meet Vivie and become her friend in the same fashion. The effect is that both women are his friends and serve the same role as one another. Sir George Crofts represents the English upper class gentleman and is later revealed as Kitty Warren’s business partner. The two have a long history together: they were intimate before he became Sir George and she became Mrs. Warren. Crofts has an eye for both Mrs. Warren and Vivie. This prospect that he may be Vivie’s father does not deter him. Almost immediately after meeting Vivie, Crofts queries Mr. Praed to find out if he knows who Vivie’s father is. When Praed denies the knowledge Crofts asks for the favor of being told if he knows because he feels attracted even though he may be Vivie’s father. He assures Praed that â€Å"it’s quite an innocent feeling. That’s what puzzles me about it. Why, for all I know, I might be her father† (Shaw 66). Despite his protests of innocence his interest appear more sinister than not. When Frank Gardner first appears on stage he reveals to Praed, who appears to be becoming a confidant for all of the characters, that he knows Vivie and that she loves him (Shaw 67). Despite this declaration Frank Gardner flirts outrageously with Kitty Warren that evening even suggesting that she accompany him to Vienna. She responds and gives him a kiss before she dismisses him by telling him to go and â€Å"make love to Vivie† (Shaw 69). The last gentleman is the Reverend Samuel Gardner, father of Frank, who represents the Church. He had an indiscretion with Kitty Warren prior to his having studied for the clergy. During their romance he wrote her several love letters and later, embarrassed by what she has become and fearful of what she might do with the letters, he asks for them back. Mrs. Warren flatly refuses to return the letters because â€Å"[k]nowledge is power . . . and I never sell power† (Shaw 68). Apparently Sir George Crofts, Reverend Gardner, and Mrs. Kitty Warren have a past together when they were young and were known as George Crofts, Sam Gardner, and Miss Vavasour (Shaw 68). Later in the play Crofts tells Frank Gardner that Vivie is his half-sister as a result of the liaison between Reverend Gardner and Kitty Warren. The similarity between the way these men treat both women indicates they view women as interchangeable parts instead of having value as individual people. It is not just the men who uses Mrs. Warren; Vivie also makes use of her mother as a tool. Shaw describes Vivie as â€Å"an attractive specimen of the sensible, able, highly-educated young middle-class Englishwoman† (Shaw 62). At the beginning of the play Vivie does not even bother picking up her mother at the train station. This is understandable because Vivie does not really know her mother who has spent most of her time in Brussels and Vienna with occasional visits to England (Shaw 64). Although she admits her mother always provided for her by paying for her caregivers and schools, there is no daughter-mother relationship. Vivie fancies herself as being in control of her life. She plans on being the modern woman or new woman who will make her own way by using the mathematics she has studied and excelled in to work â€Å"in the City, and work at actuarial calculations and conveyancing [sic] . . . with one eye at the Stock Exchange† (Shaw 63). She wants nothing from her mother except my fare to London to start there to-morrow earning my own living . . . † (Shaw 64). This is clearly the boasting of someone who has never had to provide for herself but has had her livelihood and education handed to her. She tells of her work experience when she had She had worked for six weeks the previous May where she did calculations, but her view of working is not realistic with thoughts of day to day working that may become drudgery, but more like the imaginings of a school girl who temporarily worked beneath her financial station as lark. She imagines this experience has not only provided her with tools to make her own living, but will satisfy her social life as because when she stayed with her friend Honoria she spent her evenings with her friend where â€Å"in the evenings we smoked and talked, and never dreamt of going out except for exercise. And I never enjoyed myself more in my life. I cleared all my expenses . . . (Shaw 63). Vivie is naive and innocent of the realities of life. Doing something for six weeks as a lark is one thing; doing the same thing for the rest of your life just â€Å"clearing expenses† and being subject to the accidents and difficulties one faces in real life is something quite different and, at times, not that enjoyable. Vivie challenges her mother by saying â€Å"Everybody knows my reputation, my social standing, and the profession I intend to pursue† (Shaw 74). The implication being that her mother’s life has been hidden and she should make it known. When Vivie declares that, â€Å"The poorest girl alive may not be able to choose between being Queen of England or Principal of Newnham; but she can choose between ragpicking [sic] and flowerselling [sic], according to her taste. People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them† (Shaw 75), it becomes too much for Mrs. Warren and she tells Vivie about her circumstances. When she worked fourteen hours a day as a waitress and dishwasher Kitty Warren earned only four shillings per week and board. When Vivie discovers her mother’s profession she finds herself shocked but admiring her mother for the sacrifices she has made, â€Å"my dear mother: you are a wonderful woman† and asks her mother if they can be friends (Shaw 77). However, the next morning when Crofts tells her that he is her mother’s partner and they are still operate brothels throughout Europe, Vivie changes her mind about her mother and immediately leaves to start her working career in London. When she is followed by Praed, Frank, and her mother, she summarily dismisses them from her life and determines to make her own way in life. One cannot help but wonder if Vivie Warren would not have suffered the same or a similar fate as her mother if she had not had the benefit of her mother’s money that allowed her to study at college and to go into business. At the play’s end Vivie Warren has been liberated. She has said goodbye to her mother, Frank, and the others, with the possible exception of Praed who may still be a friend. She has rejected the possible romance with Frank, who may be her brother, she has refused the marriage proposal of Sir George Crofts, who may be her father, and has rejected the lifestyle of her mother who continues to make money from her brothels. She has chosen to an unconventional life, but in a rather more acceptable, conventional fashion than did her mother. Although it was rare in the Victorian age for a woman to work in an office it was far more acceptable than being either a madam or a prostitute and was becoming more acceptable with each passing year. Ultimately, there is not that much difference between Vivie and her mother. Each sought and found a way to create independence for herself. Vivie has been forced to make a decision that is not popular with society to gain her own independence, just as her mother had to do twenty years earlier. Just as her mother had to reject her conventional life, Vivie had to reject the life offered to her by Kitty Warren. Liggins offers an interesting analysis about Vivie’s rejection of her mother’s lifestyle by making mention of the concept of the new woman. Vivie sees herself as a new woman who has time for nothing other than business. Liggins posits that Mrs. Warren’s Profession is about the relationship between the new woman and the prostitute. Shaw portrays Kitty Warren as a incorrigible flirt who could never be accepted in society. Vivie chooses a life that exempts her from being a part of society as she has no regard for it. The new woman has carved out a new niche in life but the new woman, just like the conventional woman and conventional man regards prostitution as immoral and consequently opens the door to continued economic poverty for the poor. Mrs. Warren’s Profession is a very interesting play. By today’s standards it is fairly tame and is suitable for high school students. Shaw does a good job attacking conventional mores. However, he pulls his punches and fails to finish off the Victorian conventions (Harris 176). Therefore the reader is not entirely satisfied. One feels it could have been a stronger play than it is. Harris writes that â€Å"there is no play in all Shaw’s works as full of magnificent misses as this one. It could be one of the greatest dramas of all time and it is unforgettable, but it fails to achieve timeless greatness† (Harris 176). Harris suggests two reason why the play does not quite work; he believes that either Shaw did not know how to handle the issues, which appears to be a good conclusion since Shaw does not describe or even name Mrs. Warren’s Profession; or Shaw â€Å"was afraid to drive right through to the end of it. † In either case, as written Mrs. Warren’s Profession fails to resolve the issues; virtually everything is the same at the final curtain as it was at the beginning of the play. Kitty Warren is a madam, Vivie Warren is an independent new woman and the men are left trying to resume their â€Å"pre-Vivie lives. † Unfortunately the double standards between rich and poor, and man and woman remain. The poor are still victims of these double standards. A Study of Mrs. Warren’s Profession Essay Although George Bernard Shaw finished writing Mrs. Warren’s Profession in 1893, he was unable to get a license to stage it until 1902. Since this play deals with the double standards between rich and poor and men and women the inability for it to be performed in London for nine years is both poignant and ironic. This time lapse emphasizes the â€Å"the victimization of young women and girls, not just in brothels . . . to which society conveniently turned a blind eye† (Dierkes-Thrun 293). The royal censor chose to ignore the issues Shaw’s play presents in favor of more conventional, happier plays. Although nominally about Mrs. Warren’s profession as a prostitute and madam, the play also deals with incest, the relationship between Victorian men and women, and the relationship between Mrs. Warren and Vivie Warren. The theme that drives the play is the victimization of the poor caused by the underpaying and overworking of women and men by the social institutions in England. Broad and Broad cite the preface to Getting Married† where in 1908 Shaw wrote, â€Å"I have shewn [sic}]that Mrs. Warren’s Profession is an economic phenomenon produced by our underpayment and illtreatment [sic] of women who try to earn an honest living† (64-5). Shaw illustrates this victimization with the relationships between the four male characters and the two women. These men all appear to have the same interest and relationship in Vivie as they do in her mother, Kitty Warren. Praed, the first male appearing on stage has an artistic temperament and a long term friendship with Mrs. Warren. He denies that he has a sexual relationship with her and has had â€Å"nothing to do with that side of Mrs. Warren’s life [her profession as a prostitute and madam], and never had. † He claims that he is just a friend who helps Kitty Warren â€Å"escape from her own beauty† (Shaw 66). He appears to have come to meet Vivie and become her friend in the same fashion. The effect is that both women are his friends and serve the same role as one another. Sir George Crofts represents the English upper class gentleman and is later revealed as Kitty Warren’s business partner. The two have a long history together: they were intimate before he became Sir George and she became Mrs. Warren. Crofts has an eye for both Mrs. Warren and Vivie. This prospect that he may be Vivie’s father does not deter him. Almost immediately after meeting Vivie, Crofts queries Mr. Praed to find out if he knows who Vivie’s father is. When Praed denies the knowledge Crofts asks for the favor of being told if he knows because he feels attracted even though he may be Vivie’s father. He assures Praed that â€Å"it’s quite an innocent feeling. That’s what puzzles me about it. Why, for all I know, I might be her father† (Shaw 66). Despite his protests of innocence his interest appear more sinister than not. When Frank Gardner first appears on stage he reveals to Praed, who appears to be becoming a confidant for all of the characters, that he knows Vivie and that she loves him (Shaw 67). Despite this declaration Frank Gardner flirts outrageously with Kitty Warren that evening even suggesting that she accompany him to Vienna. She responds and gives him a kiss before she dismisses him by telling him to go and â€Å"make love to Vivie† (Shaw 69). The last gentleman is the Reverend Samuel Gardner, father of Frank, who represents the Church. He had an indiscretion with Kitty Warren prior to his having studied for the clergy. During their romance he wrote her several love letters and later, embarrassed by what she has become and fearful of what she might do with the letters, he asks for them back. Mrs. Warren flatly refuses to return the letters because â€Å"[k]nowledge is power . . . and I never sell power† (Shaw 68). Apparently Sir George Crofts, Reverend Gardner, and Mrs. Kitty Warren have a past together when they were young and were known as George Crofts, Sam Gardner, and Miss Vavasour (Shaw 68). Later in the play Crofts tells Frank Gardner that Vivie is his half-sister as a result of the liaison between Reverend Gardner and Kitty Warren. The similarity between the way these men treat both women indicates they view women as interchangeable parts instead of having value as individual people. It is not just the men who uses Mrs. Warren; Vivie also makes use of her mother as a tool. Shaw describes Vivie as â€Å"an attractive specimen of the sensible, able, highly-educated young middle-class Englishwoman† (Shaw 62). At the beginning of the play Vivie does not even bother picking up her mother at the train station. This is understandable because Vivie does not really know her mother who has spent most of her time in Brussels and Vienna with occasional visits to England (Shaw 64). Although she admits her mother always provided for her by paying for her caregivers and schools, there is no daughter-mother relationship. Vivie fancies herself as being in control of her life. She plans on being the modern woman or new woman who will make her own way by using the mathematics she has studied and excelled in to work â€Å"in the City, and work at actuarial calculations and conveyancing [sic] . . . with one eye at the Stock Exchange† (Shaw 63). She wants nothing from her mother except my fare to London to start there to-morrow earning my own living . . . † (Shaw 64). This is clearly the boasting of someone who has never had to provide for herself but has had her livelihood and education handed to her. She tells of her work experience when she had She had worked for six weeks the previous May where she did calculations, but her view of working is not realistic with thoughts of day to day working that may become drudgery, but more like the imaginings of a school girl who temporarily worked beneath her financial station as lark. She imagines this experience has not only provided her with tools to make her own living, but will satisfy her social life as because when she stayed with her friend Honoria she spent her evenings with her friend where â€Å"in the evenings we smoked and talked, and never dreamt of going out except for exercise. And I never enjoyed myself more in my life. I cleared all my expenses . . . (Shaw 63). Vivie is naive and innocent of the realities of life. Doing something for six weeks as a lark is one thing; doing the same thing for the rest of your life just â€Å"clearing expenses† and being subject to the accidents and difficulties one faces in real life is something quite different and, at times, not that enjoyable. Vivie challenges her mother by saying â€Å"Everybody knows my reputation, my social standing, and the profession I intend to pursue† (Shaw 74). The implication being that her mother’s life has been hidden and she should make it known. When Vivie declares that, â€Å"The poorest girl alive may not be able to choose between being Queen of England or Principal of Newnham; but she can choose between ragpicking [sic] and flowerselling [sic], according to her taste. People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them† (Shaw 75), it becomes too much for Mrs. Warren and she tells Vivie about her circumstances. When she worked fourteen hours a day as a waitress and dishwasher Kitty Warren earned only four shillings per week and board. When Vivie discovers her mother’s profession she finds herself shocked but admiring her mother for the sacrifices she has made, â€Å"my dear mother: you are a wonderful woman† and asks her mother if they can be friends (Shaw 77). However, the next morning when Crofts tells her that he is her mother’s partner and they are still operate brothels throughout Europe, Vivie changes her mind about her mother and immediately leaves to start her working career in London. When she is followed by Praed, Frank, and her mother, she summarily dismisses them from her life and determines to make her own way in life. One cannot help but wonder if Vivie Warren would not have suffered the same or a similar fate as her mother if she had not had the benefit of her mother’s money that allowed her to study at college and to go into business. At the play’s end Vivie Warren has been liberated. She has said goodbye to her mother, Frank, and the others, with the possible exception of Praed who may still be a friend. She has rejected the possible romance with Frank, who may be her brother, she has refused the marriage proposal of Sir George Crofts, who may be her father, and has rejected the lifestyle of her mother who continues to make money from her brothels. She has chosen to an unconventional life, but in a rather more acceptable, conventional fashion than did her mother. Although it was rare in the Victorian age for a woman to work in an office it was far more acceptable than being either a madam or a prostitute and was becoming more acceptable with each passing year. Ultimately, there is not that much difference between Vivie and her mother. Each sought and found a way to create independence for herself. Vivie has been forced to make a decision that is not popular with society to gain her own independence, just as her mother had to do twenty years earlier. Just as her mother had to reject her conventional life, Vivie had to reject the life offered to her by Kitty Warren. Liggins offers an interesting analysis about Vivie’s rejection of her mother’s lifestyle by making mention of the concept of the new woman. Vivie sees herself as a new woman who has time for nothing other than business. Liggins posits that Mrs. Warren’s Profession is about the relationship between the new woman and the prostitute. Shaw portrays Kitty Warren as a incorrigible flirt who could never be accepted in society. Vivie chooses a life that exempts her from being a part of society as she has no regard for it. The new woman has carved out a new niche in life but the new woman, just like the conventional woman and conventional man regards prostitution as immoral and consequently opens the door to continued economic poverty for the poor. Mrs. Warren’s Profession is a very interesting play. By today’s standards it is fairly tame and is suitable for high school students. Shaw does a good job attacking conventional mores. However, he pulls his punches and fails to finish off the Victorian conventions (Harris 176). Therefore the reader is not entirely satisfied. One feels it could have been a stronger play than it is. Harris writes that â€Å"there is no play in all Shaw’s works as full of magnificent misses as this one. It could be one of the greatest dramas of all time and it is unforgettable, but it fails to achieve timeless greatness† (Harris 176). Harris suggests two reason why the play does not quite work; he believes that either Shaw did not know how to handle the issues, which appears to be a good conclusion since Shaw does not describe or even name Mrs. Warren’s Profession; or Shaw â€Å"was afraid to drive right through to the end of it. † In either case, as written Mrs. Warren’s Profession fails to resolve the issues; virtually everything is the same at the final curtain as it was at the beginning of the play. Kitty Warren is a madam, Vivie Warren is an independent new woman and the men are left trying to resume their â€Å"pre-Vivie lives. † Unfortunately the double standards between rich and poor, and man and woman remain. The poor are still victims of these double standards. Works Cited Broad, C. Lewis and Broad, Violet M. Dictionary to the Plays and Novels of Bernard Shaw. London: A. & C. Black, 1929. Dierkes-Thrun, Petra. â€Å"Incest and Trafficking of Women in Mrs. Warren’s Profession: ‘It Runs in the Family. ‘† English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 49, 3 (2006): 293-305. Dukore, Bernard F. Bernard Shaw, Playwright: Aspects of Shavian Drama. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1973. Harris, Frank. Bernard Shaw. New York: League of America, 1931). Liggins, Emma. Prostitution and Social Purity in the 1880s and 1890s. Critical Survey 15, 3 (2003). Shaw, Bernard. The Complete Plays of Bernard Shaw. London: Constable, 1931. Note, this edition does not include line numbers of the play so the page number is used for citations.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The components of cultural identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The components of cultural identity - Essay Example Their understanding of just how to make a behavioral change happen and maintain it in a sustainable way is impressive. Australian companies do understand the values that underlie beneath a values-based leadership." (Human resource magazine, 2009) One of the Australia’s biggest supermarket chains is Woolworth retailers. Woolworths possess dominant position in the groceries as well as consumer interest in electronics. Woolworths Limited came in to being in 1924, first store at imperial arcade. The company has the logo of â€Å"The Fresh Food People† and it is famous throughout Aussie as key slogan to represent companies’ strategy. On 22 August 2008, Woolworth re-launched its identity as a competitive stance for modern, safer and more likeable brand. Woolworth uses aggressive promotional strategy. Woolworth realizes the importance that promoting the product before its launch in the market. Promotion brings in handsome results and profits. Woolworth makes use of comp onents of culture identity to create and market its products and services. Paragraph # 1 As define by Jamson2007 in his book class differences often define groups of people sharing common values, behavior, attitudes. Though sources of wealth might differ, the rich often share values and behavior similar to others. Woolworth knows that its elite customers value quality above all. So depending upon the demands of its customers, Woolworth creates and markets its products. Woolworth knows that for better quality products the best quality raw materials have to be use. To ensure that its products are quality approved it imposes TQM (total quality management). For special Woolies- production lines the local clothing manufacturers have to separate Woolies production lines from others in their plant. This is for ensuring proper quality control procedures and quality demand requirements. Woolworth constructs its advertising strategy considering the target market. Woolworth target status-consc ious clientele who value their reputation above everything else and measure it in terms of quality at inconsiderate price ranges. For such quality valuing class, Woolworth ensures the strategy of even at a fraction of price gets double the quality.† Such strategy of offering double quality at each penny attracts the upper class clientele, who share common values and behavior and even attitudes. Jameson2007 further points out that the prestige of social class depends on family history, celebrity, or power. As a result, Woolworth tries its best to appeal new target markets using such means. For instance, Woolworth has tried attracting more affluent clientele by introducing new product lines associated with prominent designers or celebrities. A recent example of such is the new advertising campaign of Jupiter Drawing Room in The Cape Town. Woolworth â€Å"W† Collection ads featured well-known business clientele including Seeff Properties' Samuel Seeff, Sasol's Christine Ra mon and other well-known captains of the business industry all proudly sporting the Woolies "W" Collection. It is a great advertising strategy that is been use as a testimonial route because today customers from age groups tend to more inclined towards celebrities and their choices. Paragraph#2 Organizational strategy and decision-making often needs to account for cultural differences related to density or regional

Interpretation of Financial Statements and Performance Management Case Study

Interpretation of Financial Statements and Performance Management - Case Study Example Cleanup Limited has initiated the discussion on a new product that has been designed by the director of the production division. But the discussion on the new product was premised on the recent analysis that the market share of the company, while steady for a number of years at 12 per cent, is now becoming under serious threat from competitors and a maturing market. Hence, the main challenge is how to secure the hold of the company on the 12 per cent market share. The company should come up with fresh strategies that would allow it to hold on to the 12 per cent market share, and if the company would be aggressive enough, it should even aspire for an increase in its share of the pie. How can Cleenup defend or increase its market share? Several strategies include market creation for a new product, market penetration for a current product, product differentiation for the current market. According to Kotler (1994, p.383), market share can be expended by continuously searching for â€Å"new users, new uses, and more usage† for the product. Defending market share, on the other hand, would simply require a management mentality of â€Å"continuous innovation† (Kotler, 1994, p.385). Firms should avoid the temptation to be complacent, and Kotler advised not to be content with â€Å"the way things are, and (the firms) leads the industry in developing new products and customer services, distribution efficiency, and cost-cutting† (Kotler, 1994, p.385). This brings the discussion to the new product design developed by the director of the production division. After investing on research and development to the tune of â‚ ¤350 thousand, and securing a patent for the design of the product at a cost of â‚ ¤275 thousand, the directors are to determine which course of action to take next, realizing the financial rewards and requirements of each option available. Vis-à  -vis the financial considerations, the directors of Cleenup are considering three options: sell the patent, develop a prototype and sell the right to manufacture, and manufacture the product itself.  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Using Popular Culture in the Classroom Dissertation

Using Popular Culture in the Classroom - Dissertation Example The exploration of new techniques and methods is always on the educational horizon. The promise of the future has not eliminated the need for a refinement and validation of existing practices. In fact, modern technologies have allowed for a greater level of access to a variety of media and have increased the capabilities of the average educator. According to Jackie Marsh and Millard 2000, popular culture is a phrase which can be applied to a cultural text which are popular and attractive for majority of children around the globe. Popular culture has a vast variety of material which are attractive for children like bags, games, stationeries, shoes, character toys etc. This not only helps a child to get a better understanding but also encourages an educator to bring in new ideas to motivate young minds. Popular culture is first applied as a test drive but it proved to be an excellent motivational idea. In this era, where technologies and media power has no boundaries has an impact on c hildren. Animations of different strong characters, fairyland and wonderlands have made it easier for children to imagine and fit in a particular character. In early childhood education, it is observed that a child learns whatever is been taught to them, but it becomes easier for them to adapt and practice if popular culture is used while teaching. Use of PSPs , PS2, Nintendo’s and play stations for playing different animated games sharpen their reflexes and their cognitive power. In Early childhood education, Rhymes and songs were introduced to make a child learn colors, shapes and simple concepts while playing, singing and role-plays. Popular culture should be adopted by parents, guardians and educators not only school but also in the outside world, this idea is perceived from a theory of Jackie Marsh 2009 that popular culture should be applied in schools and outside both, which clearly refers to home. Popular Culture is adapted by different practitioners where some of them came up with a different feedback. According to their experience, the change which occurred in a child after the implementation of popular culture in the early education is the glamorization of violence and adds cheapness to the value of education. It encourages a child to praise the material things which blurred the essence of education of being good to every individual regardless of color creed or status.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A Report to Malaysia Exchange Controls during the Asian Crisis Essay

A Report to Malaysia Exchange Controls during the Asian Crisis - Essay Example Hence it should learn lessons form this experience which would be used in formulation of future financial strategies. The present report discusses all these aspects in detail. In 1997-98 there was a severe financial crisis experienced by the countries of South East Asia famously known as tiger economies (Stephen Haggard, 2000). Malaysia also faced this crisis severely. The reasons for this crisis were many as felt by the researchers (Wing Thye Woo, 2000). The main causes are uncontrolled foreign investment in the country, allowing capital fight from Malaysia to other countries, magnifying the currency situation in international level and inefficient monitory policy. Reacting to the crisis in the initial weeks the Malaysian government has taken initiatives to regulate foreign exchange as the devaluation of Ringgit has been very fast. However its measures could not bring much equilibrium to the financial condition of Malaysia and hence it needs to be analyzed so that the loop holes can be identified and one can be accurate in formulating any exchange control measures in future. Keeping this in view the present report has been prepared with the objectives of finding out the reasons for the financial crisis, what happened and what was the extent of damage, measures to control the crisis, short comings and future strategies which are described as follows. In early 1997, the Malaysian stock market index began a downward spiral together with stock markets of several ASEAN countries like Thailand and Indonesia. On 14 July 1997, Bank Negara of Malaysia gave up the defence of the Malaysian ringgit after jacking up the short rate to 50% and spending US$10 billions on unsuccessful monetary operations. There were huge amounts of foreign capital has entered Malaysia in previous years (prior to 1997-98) which was uncontrolled in nature by the Malaysian government. This capital was mainly of short term in nature and was also highly conditional. The

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Assess the accuracy of the view that Richard of Gloucester's Essay

Assess the accuracy of the view that Richard of Gloucester's usurpation of power in 1483 is best explained by his fear of the Woodvilles - Essay Example Richard of Gloucester's usurpation of power in 1483 is best explained by his fear of the Woodvilles. According to Wendy Moorhen , Richard of Gloucester, the Lord Protector, ordered the execution of his brother’s best friend and counselor, Hastings. Within a few days, Richard of Gloucester ascended the throne, in 1483. Richard of Gloucester’s executions made him vulnerable to criticisms from many quarters. With the executions, Richard of Gloucester’s detractors were given many reasons to vilify Richard of Gloucester in many occasions. With the executions, Richard of Gloucester made loud, direct, and plain his plan to be the next king. It is but natural of persons to do their best to remove all obstacles to their objective or goal. Richard of Gloucester was serious in his attempt to take the throne, which was vacated by his brother Kind Edward IV. Richard of Gloucester was not bothered by the fact that his nephew, King Edward V was supposed to be the person who was destined to replace King Edward IV. in the same manner, the Woodvilles felt that Richard of Gloucester was not the man authorized to rise to the throne of England. The Woodvilles preferred that King Edward V rise to the rise to replace King Edward IV. The Woodwillves would go out of their way to ensure that only King Edward V would occupy the vacated King’s throne. ... e, Richard of Gloucester, who is now King Richard III, goes out of his way to prevent the moves of William Hastings to prevent King Richard III from continuing his reign as the replacement of King Edward IV. This is the reason why Richard of Gloucester did not have second thoughts when he ordered the execution of William Hastings on the ground of being a threat to the King Richard III throne. On the other hand, Queen Elizabeth had to enter into alliance with the Woodvilles to support her dream that her son, King Edward V take over the throne as early as possible. The Woodvilles did have a strong alliance with the Queen Elizabeth. In response, Richard of Gloucester, now King Richard III, gathered all his forces to eradicate the Woodvilles for being a threat to King Richard III’s throne. In terms of bothering intentions, Richard of Gloucester ordered the execution of his brother’s good friend, William Hastings. Richard of Gloucester’s brother was the deceased King Edward IV. Hastings served under King Edward’s rule under several positions. William Hastings served as politician, diplomat, solider, lord, and landowner. William Hastings served King Edward IV, a young king still reeling from the death of his father, who died in Wakefield. On 17 April 1483, Hastings attended King Edward IV’s obsequies in Westmister Abbey when his body was buried in the magnificent Chapel of St. George, in Windsor. William Hastings felt the sorrow of losing one’s friend and master, made more painful since King Edwar IV was younger than William Hastings. William Hastings was instrumental preventing the Woodvilles from taking the throne. Hastings communicated with Richard of Gloucester to secure the King and stop the dethroning activities of King Edward IV’s maternal uncle, Rivers.

Monday, September 23, 2019

How History Influenced the Emergence And Development of International Essay

How History Influenced the Emergence And Development of International Organizations - Essay Example This essay stresses that there are many international organizations, which are operating as state members or independently making them have diverse function. Every organization has a purpose and mandate, which it seeks to fulfill. Similarly, there are factors that contributed to their formations, which it considers as a primary goal. Therefore, the subsequent section will highlights different international organizations and indicate ways history influenced their formation as well as their function and development over the years. Since the inception of the organization years back, it has succeeded in developing member states and offering new admission to other nations. This report makes a conclusion that international organizations were for different purposes in different times of the century. Some were formed because of joint efforts between various governments or states as other were formed for humanitarian purposes. Despite their differences in formation, most of the international organizations were formed to bring normalcy after WW II. UN is one of the active international organizations formed to ensure peace prevails in the world and to prevent the occurrence of another world war. Since its inception, no major has taken place making it successful in its mission. Similarly, ICRC is committed in ensuring all victims of war including soldiers and civilians receive a medical care, which ensures their wellbeing. They have proved successful in offering medical attention to most vulnerable in war torn areas.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Carter Unsuccessful Re-Election 1980s Essay Example for Free

Carter Unsuccessful Re-Election 1980s Essay Why was Carter unsuccessful in his attempt to secure re-election in 1980? Jimmy Carter was the first elected President in half a century who failed to win a second term. His election in 1976 was set during the period of time when people had lost their faith in the presidency. After Nixon’s humiliation considering Watergate scandal and Ford’s simplistic and unenthusiastic govern, people were looking for someone outside Washington’s corruption. Carter seemed a perfect decision , governor of a small state, he appealed to people as the best solution. Nevertheless, as they got what they wanted it turned out to be wrong. They got a person from the outside that had no idea how Washington worked. People believed he was error prone and inexperienced. Carter soon became a joke and was criticized by the society that was not willing to give their votes for his re-election. Carter made several crucial mistakes during his power. From the beginning of his presidency he was accused of micro-management. This was one of his strategic errors, he tried to do too much too quickly and paid attention to small details forgetting the big picture and failing to grasp the complexity of the plans that he proposed. It is said that he managed the rota for the White House personally. An NSC member said: â€Å"If Carter saw a problem he wanted to solve it, and there was all there was to it – no prioritizations†. His short sight pushed the voters away. People were not eager to vote for someone who would get absorbed in small things, rather than looking at serious problems like inflation, which Carter had inherited. His other mistake was rejecting all the help, including Congress’s. Carter had originally run on an anti- Washington platform, of course that was the reason he got elected; nevertheless it is hard to run a country when you have tension between the President and Congress. Therefore Carter never developed a solid base of supporters on Capitol Hill. Speaker Tip O’Neil was willing to help, however Carter who said that he had been a governor and knew how to deal with legislation rejected his proposal. Carter’s poor communication with Congress got him nowhere. Carter failed to get cooperation from Congress to pass certain legislations, such as his energy program. Americans understood that a stubborn President wouldn’t bring any good to the country; Carter’s personal loyalties made voters doubt his wisdom and retrieve their votes for someone better. His other failure overshadowed everything that he has done as a president. The â€Å"Billygate† scandal had harmed Carters reputation and even lowered his chances of being re-elected. He won his first election in 1976 because people thought he was unaffected by Washington’s corruption, however this scandal highlighted Carters use of presidential power in his own benefit. Carter’s older brother Billy was a redneck; who, in July 1980, registered as a foreign agent and received a $220,000 loan from the Libyan government. It raised a political storm and later on through the investigation it was revealed that Carter used Billy’s Libyan contacts to free the Iranian hostages. President Carter was accused of nepotism however public decided that he was incompetent rather than corrupt but this scandal cost Carter his popularity rating and votes. Nonetheless, some of the negative events that occurred during Carters presidency were not his fault yet he got the blame. A first example would be the energy crises, which was beyond Carters control. Increase of car use, one harsh winter and poor relationship with Middle East were the reason for it, but still Carter was accused. Carter attempted to propose energy legislation, however Congress changed it beyond recognition. The only conclusion was to raise the price for the fuel but people were unwilling to go that far. Voters were unimpressed by the President’s handling of this situation, which soon got even worse and caused even more dissatisfaction from people. The second example is the economy, which was the problem throughout Carter’s presidency yet was a mere question of luck. He inherited inflation, unemployment and rising aging population. 63 per cent of the Americans believed that inflation was their greatest concern yet Carter was not managing it; only 32 per cent approved of his actions. The unemployment was rising to 8.2 million and businesses feared that Carter’s energy proposal would damage the industry. Carter did not know how to handle these types of situation; being all his life a governor of small Georgia he now faced a major crisis. Carter was at the top and therefore blamed, he was simply unlucky. Yet this blame and dissatisfaction cost him votes. Carter also displeased the voters with the way he handled foreign policy. As a President, Carter decided that it was morally right to give Panama Canal over to Panama. He did it with little resistance, which displeased voters and Congress. His other mistake was accepting 125,000 Cuban refugees who were dissatisfied with Communist regime, although March 1980 Refugee Act said that no more than 19,000 were allowed to enter. It was morally right to let the people in and perhaps he would have been accused if he closed the doors for them, yet politics sometimes tend to forget about moral rules in times of crisis. With inflation and unemployment, new citizens were only burdens and caused further disagreement with Carter’s way of running the country. His final concern that had taken all Carter’s attention until his last day as a President was the 60 American hostages in Iran. Many Americans felt powerless and 50 per cent of them thought Carter was too soft with Iran. Carter had a choice; either to take hostages back with violence or with negotiation. He chose a more diplomatic way not wanting to risk lives, however back than people disapproved of this act. When finally Carter agreed on the rescue mission, helicopters that were sent into Iran failed. Eight Americans died, one helicopter was lost in sand storm another failed and set the others on fire. Technical and weather problems were not Carter’s fault yet his failed rescue mission caused Carter’s defeat and helped Republican to use the hostage crisis for votes. The final reason for Carters defeat was his opposition. Ronald Reagan was underestimated by Carter, yet adored by the people. The way he presented himself was the way a true President had to be. His lighthearted jokes and charisma made him come across warmer to voters than Carter. Reagan’s rhetorical question â€Å"is America better off than it was four years ago?† was highly effective and the polls showed that he won the debate. Back in 1980, people believed that Carter was one of the worst presidents they had, yet as the years past people began to justify his acts. He was not great but he did what he could, he was just unlucky. His failures were because Washington was unknown to him and he did things how he usually used to do the back in his state. His big mistake was â€Å"Billygate† and economical crisis, which was not under his control. Reagan compared to Carter presented a true picture of successful presidency. Unfortunately Carter was not what people wanted and some of his failed actions cost him his re-election.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Early Childhood School Essay Example for Free

Early Childhood School Essay Education To Be More was published last August. It was the report of the New Zealand Governments Early Childhood Care and Education Working Group. The report argued for enhanced equity of access and better funding for childcare and early childhood education institutions. Unquestionably, thats a real need; but since parents dont normally send children to pre-schools until the age of three, are we missing out on the most important years of all? B A 13-year study of early childhood development at Harvard University has shown that, by the age of three, most children have the potential to understand about 1000 words most of the language they will use in ordinary conversation for the rest of their lives. Furthermore, research has shown that while every child is born with a natural curiosity, it can be suppressed dramatically during the second and third years of life. Researchers claim that the human personality is formed during the first two years of life, and during the first three years children learn the basic skills they will use in all their later learning both at home and at school. Once over the age of three, children continue to expand on existing knowledge of the world. C It is generally acknowledged that young people from poorer socio-economic backgrounds tend to do less well in our education system. Thats observed not just in New Zealand, but also in Australia, Britain and America. In an attempt to overcome that educational under-achievement, a nationwide programme called Headstart was launched in the United States in 1965. A lot of money was poured into it. It took children into pre-school institutions at the age of three and was supposed to help the children of poorer families succeed in school. Despite substantial funding, results have been disappointing. It is thought that there are two explanations for this. First, the programme began too late. Many children who entered it at the age of three were already behind their peers in language and measurable intelligence. Second, the parents were not involved. At the end of each day, Headstart children returned to the same disadvantaged home environment. D As a result of the growing research evidence of the importance of the first three years of a childs life and the disappointing results from Headstart, a pilot programme was launched in Missouri in the US that focused on parents as the childs first teachers. The Missouri programme was predicated on research showing that working with the family, rather than bypassing the parents, is the most effective way of helping children get off to the best possible start in life. The four-year pilot study included 380 families who were about to have their first child and who represented a cross-section of socio-economic status, age and family configurations. They included single-parent and two-parent families, families in which both parents worked, and families with either the mother or father at home. The programme involved trained parent ¬educators visiting the parents home and working with the parent, or parents, and the child. Information on child development, and guidance on things to look for and expect as the child grows were provided, plus guidance in fostering the childs intellectual, language, social and motor-skill development. Periodic check-ups of the childs educational and sensory development (hearing and vision) were made to detect possible handicaps that interfere with growth and development. Medical problems were referred to professionals. Parent-educators made personal visits to homes and monthly group meetings were held with other new parents to share experience and discuss topics of interest. Parent resource centres, Located in school buildings, offered learning materials for families and facilitators for child care. E At the age of three, the children who had been involved in the Missouri programme were evaluated alongside a cross-section of children selected from the same range of socio-economic backgrounds and Family situations, and also a random sample of children that age. The results were phenomenal. By the age of three, the children in the programme were significantly more advanced in language development than their peers, had made greater strides in problem solving and other intellectual skills, and were Further along in  social development. In fact, the average child on the programme was performing at the level of the top 15 to 20 per cent of their peers in such things as auditory comprehension, verbal ability and language ability. Most important of all, the traditional measures of risk, such as parents age and education, or whether they were a single parent, bore little or no relationship to the measures of achievement and language development. Children in the programme performed equally well regardless of scio-economic disadvantages. Child abuse was virtually eliminated. The one factor that was found to affect the childs development was family stress leading to a poor quality of parent-child interaction. That interaction was not necessarily bad in poorer families. F These research findings are exciting. There is growing evidence in New Zealand that children from poorer socio-economic backgrounds are arriving at school less well developed and that our school system tends to perpetuate that disadvantage. The initiative outlined above could break that cycle of disadvantage. The concept of working with parents in their homes, or at their place of work, contrasts quite markedly with the report of the Early Childhood Care and Education Working Group. Their focus is on getting children and mothers access to childcare and institutionalised early childhood education. Education from the age of three to five is undoubtedly vital, but without a similar Focus on parent education and on the vital importance of the first three years, some evidence indicates that it will not be enough to overcome educational inequity.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Controlling Cardiovascular Disease Through Diet And Exercise Health And Social Care Essay

Controlling Cardiovascular Disease Through Diet And Exercise Health And Social Care Essay Cardiovascular disease is a debilitating disease that is wide spread throughout the United States. This disease has been identified by Healthy People as one of their 2020 topics and objectives to focus on for decreasing and preventing further cardiovascular events in the United States. Through appropriate and recommended diet and exercise regimens we have the ability to decrease the occurrence in our future generations to come. Controlling Cardiovascular Disease through Diet and Exercise Cardiovascular disease is a national epidemic seen throughout the United States. Health care costs are soaring at an all-time high. According to Healthy People 2020 cardiovascular disease, such as stroke and heart disease, is among the most widespread and costly health problems currently seen in the US today (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). Health care costs are reported to account for more than $500 billion per year alone (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). These cardiovascular disease related issues account for the leading causes of death in the US; at the same time they are also the most preventable. Cardiovascular health has become a major issue in the United States, even though there are possible ways to prevent and decrease chance of occurring. By improving your cardiovascular health through such things as diet and exercise, you will be able to improve your overall health and quality of life. One must utilize certain interventions to decrease possible risk factors that may increase your chance of having a stroke or heart attack. There are three main categories of interventions, those being: prevention, early detection and treatment. Prevention is the key to living a healthier and longer life. Prevention starts with educating the public regarding what cardiovascular disease is, possible risk factors, and ways to prevent the occurrence from happening. By starting to educate at a young age regarding eating a healthy diet and maintaining an appropriate exercise regimen, we will be able to decrease the chance of developing cardiovascular disease and increasing ones health and lifespan (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). Early detection should be initiated at an early age. One should assess his or hers primary and secondary risks factors for developing cardiovascular disease. Based on possible risk factors one may be able to determine if he or she is at an increased risk for development. Early detection includes checking ones blood pressure as recommended, regular doctor check-ups, and lifestyle assessment. If detected early and controlled it is possible to decrease the risk of further development and complications. Treatments can vary depending on severity and degree of risk factor. For example if one is diagnosed with diabetes, this can sometimes be controlled through diet and exercise versus a prescribed medication regimen. Anticoagulation therapy may also be a treatment for stroke and heart attacks, with appropriate aspirin dosing one may prevent such events. Smoking is a leading cause of both strokes and heart attacks; one should practice smoking cessation or seek additional assistance for quitting, there are many programs available to fit every lifestyle. In advanced cases one may need surgical intervention and procedures to correct, restore and prevent further damage. First off, what is a stroke? A stroke is when a blood clot travels to the brain blocking an artery or vessel, this cutting of supply of blood flow to an area, essential causing brain cells to die, and brain damage to occur. When this process occurs in an area of the brain, that area will be unable to function properly (National Stroke Association, 2013). Depending on where in the brain and how big of an area is affected, determines what abilities are affected. Some abilities that may be affected include speech, personality, gait, muscle tone, memory, vision and much more. Statistics show that up to 80 percent of strokes are preventable and 2/3 of survivors will have some form of disability noted (National Stroke Association, 2013). Next what is heart disease and how does it affect ones life. The most prevalent type of heart disease observed in the United States is coronary artery disease (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Coronary artery disease occurs when plaque builds up in ones arteries that supply the heart blood. Build up can eventually decrease or block the blood supply to the heart, and in some cases break off and clot a coronary artery causing a heart attack or even travel to the brain causing a stroke (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). High levels of plaque buildup increases ones risk of a heart attack, heart failure and angina (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Heart disease is a very debilitating and prevalent disease seen within the western lifestyle. In many instances the population is aware of their possible risk factors, but fails to intervene and control as necessary. There are several risk factors that one may modify and control to decrease such events from occurring. At the same time one should know that there are risk factors one may possess that are not modifiable and play significant roles in health status. Leading causes that are easily modified include controlling ones blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, weight, activity level and refraining for smoking (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). By educating the population on these easily modifiable changes they will be able to prevent long-term damages that can occur when not properly maintained. Cardiovascular disease can be affected by many aspects of one make up. Things such as ones age, gender and race are non-modifiable and can carry an increased risk for occurrence. Possible factors that may influence ones health status and also may be unable to be modified are things such as access to healthy foods, access to quality health care, community resources and educational opportunities (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). . Blood pressure and cholesterol are the top two major contributors to cardiovascular disease. It is reported that every one in three adults have high blood pressure; however it is untreated blood pressure that is a major risk factor. Approximately half of the population with blood pressure issues does not have it under control (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). Healthy People 2020 suggest that one should have blood pressure screened starting at the age of 18, and then every two years there forth (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). The best way to decrease the number of cardiovascular disease and solve this epidemic is through a healthy diet and exercise regimen. Depending on association and ones risk factors, there may be several different types of recommendation and intervention necessary. Diet and exercise are the most suggested and effective interventions for prevention throughout ones lifespan. Exercise is great for many things, from decreasing weight, to improving self-esteem. In this case it helps decrease the amount of excess weight to decrease the amount of strain that is put onto the circulatory system. It is said that one should maintain a good exercise regimen throughout ones life. The recommended amount of exercise one should get is five days a week, approximately 30 minutes per day (National Stroke Association, 2013). Ideally one should participate in aerobic and strength-training exercises. Exercise doesnt have to be boring, it can be considered taking a bike ride, play a sport, briskly walking your dog, taking a walk through the park, the main idea is to maintain an active pace for at least thirty minutes. By decreasing your weight you can also decrease your chances of developing hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes, which all plays a major role in strokes and heart attacks (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). Physical activity may be inf luenced by ones surroundings. The amount of greenness in ones surroundings can potentially have an effect on coronary heart disease and stroke. Its shown that a greater area of surrounding greenness promotes ones physical activity due to the promotion of outside activities such as community walking, biking areas and sports (Pereira, et. al., 2012). Diet can play a major role in ones health. A healthy diet includes appropriate servings of fruits, vegetables, fish, soy, whole grains, lean meats, eggs, and dairy per daily recommendations. It has been shown in studies that consuming fruits and vegetables can reduce your risk of stroke. One should consume at least three to five servings of fruits and vegetables per day it is suggested (Sherzai, et. al., 2012). A vegetarian diet have been shown and linked to additionally reducing ones risk of hypertension, type II diabetes, and heart disease. Simply one should consume recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables from an early age on. It is shown that increased amounts of sodium intake can additionally contribute to high blood pressure, still yet we as Americans exceed the recommended daily intake (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). Increased levels of salt are generally seen in the restaurant and fast food industries, by decreasing the amount of food consumed outsid e the home one may have the ability to decrease ones sodium intake. Decreasing ones sugar consumption may additionally reduce CVD, especially fructose consumption (Thornley, et. al., 2012). The average recommended sugar intake is no more than six teaspoons per day for women, and nine per day for men (Thornley, et. al., 2012). Hospitals and nurses can have a huge impact on prevention, identification and prevention of cardiovascular disease. As a nurse one may encourage lifestyle goals that may improve ones prevention of heart disease. It is shown that adequate physical exercise, healthy weight, blood pressure control, diabetes screening, diabetes control, and anticoagulation therapy are favored to reduce risk (Suri, et. al., 2010). It was shown that within 12 months of lifestyle modifications the majority of patients had seven out of nine risk factors for CVD under control (Suri, et. al., 2010). Controlling ones risk factors for heart disease and stroke prevention remains a challenge. Modification of life style to reduce the chance of cardiovascular disease needs to be initiated at a young age. Addressing these risk factors early will help prevent possible complications. By educating the public about the effects of poor cardiovascular health and interventions to help prevent it from occurring, we will be able to reduce the number of deaths per year related to this life altering disease. Reference Page Center for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention. (2012).  Heart disease  . Retrieved from website: Hayman, L. L., Helden, L., Chyun, D. A., Braun, L. T. (2011). A life course approach to cardiovascular disease prevention.  European Journal Of Cardiovascular Nursing,  10S20-31. doi: Kajantle, E., Raikkonen, K., Henriksson, M., Leskinen, J., Forsen, T., Heinonen, K., Pesonen, A., Osmond, C. (2012). Stroke is predicted by low visuospatial in relation to other intellectual abilities and coronary heart disease by low general intelligence.  PLos One,7(11), 1-8. Retrieved from National Stroke Association. (2013).  What is stroke?. Retrieved from Pereira, G., Foster, S., Martin, K., Christian, H., Boruff, B. J., Knuiman, M., Giles-Corti, B. (2012). The association between neighborhood greenness and cardiovascular disease: an observational study.  BMC Public Health,  12(1), 466-474. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-466 Sherzai, A., Heim, L., Boothby, C., Sherzai, A. (2012). Stroke, food groups, and dietary patterns: a systematic review.  Nutrition Reviews,70(8), 423-435. doi:10.1111/j.1753-4887.2012.00490.x. Suri, A., Tincey, S., Gupta, S. (2010). Cardiovascular disease.  Practice Nurse,  40(9), 44-49. Thornley, S. S., Tayler, R. R., Sikaris, K. K. (2012). Sugar restriction: the evidence for a drug-free intervention to reduce cardiovascular disease risk.  Internal Medicine Journal, 46-58. doi:10.1111/j.1445-5994.2012.02902.x U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2012). Healthy people 2020: Heart disease and stroke. Retrieved from website:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

In-Depth Summary of Expectancy Theory Essay example -- BTEC Business M

In-Depth Summary of Expectancy Theory In today’s organization, there is a need for ways in which to effectively motivate employees. Expectancy theory addresses the underlying issues that are associated with the belief that a performance or outcome is attainable. Developed initially by Edward Tolman and Kurt Levin, introduction of the theory into the workplace was not achieved until quite some time later by Victor Vroom (Bradt, 1996). It is his first utilization of the theory that enabled others to develop and recognize the potential the theory played in motivating individuals. This essay will address not only the fundamental mechanics behind expectancy theory, but also how it can be correlated with education, performance appraisals, and leadership roles in the workplace. When an individual is confronted with a task within the workplace they first assess if the effort that is required will produce a successful performance. Underlying issues such as self-esteem, educational background, and duration of the task all can aid in the individual's perception of probability in achievement. If an individual's perception of the task has a high probability of success, then motivation will ensue. Subsequently, if the individual feels there is little chance, then a lack of motivation occurs. From there the individual will attempt to analyze the probability that if this task is achieved, the desired outcome or reward will be acceptable and bestowed. This analysis of probability is labeled performance-to-outcome expectancy (Moorhead & Griffin, 2001). Desired outcomes vary depending on the individual’s needs, wants, and expectations. It is with this knowledge of diverse needs that the manager is able to realize the potential differences in how to best satisf y the employee’s outcome perception. This assessment of importance of the outcome to the individual is its valence. Having discussed the fundamentals involved with expectancy theory, we will know look more closely at how it can further be applied to motivation through education in the workplace. Studies have shown that there is a definite correlation between education and motivation amongst employees. When an individual assess their effort-to-performance probability, factors such as self-esteem and expectations can play a significant role. Lack of basic fundamental skills among individuals who have ... ...nd a feeling of insecurity there is now more then ever a reason for the organization to develop more effective ways to motivate employees. After analyzing just a few of the hybrids associated with expectancy theory, it is clear that employee perceptions and expectations play a vital role in the success and productivity of the organization. The ability of the manger not only to identify, but also to utilize, this information is essential in fostering an environment of willing and highly motivated employees. Through analyzing and offering education, relevant performance appraisals, and leadership an environment of motivation can be achieved. Works Cited: Bradt, J. (1996, March). Pay Employees for Their Contributions. Personnel Journal New Product News Supplement, 7-9. Clinton, M. (1998, Nov). Uncertain Effects: Can Basic Skills Education Improve Motivation. Technical Training, 9(6), 35-37. Isaac, R. & Zerbe, W. (2001, Summer). Leadership and Motivation: The Effective Application of Expectancy Theory. Journal of Managerial Issues, 13(2), 212. Moorhead, G. & Griffin, R. Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Characterization In The Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers fc

Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804. After his graduation from Bowdoin College in Maine, he quickly became a well-known author of literary tales concerning early American life. Between 1825 and 1850, he developed his talent by writing short fiction, and he gained international fame for his fictional novel The Scarlet Letter in 1850 (Clendenning 118). Rufus Wilmot Griswold stated,The frivolous costume and brisk action of the story of fashionable life are easily depicted by the practised sketcher, but a work like "The Scarlet Letter" comes slowly upon the canvas, where passions are commingled and overlaid with the masterly elaboration with which the grandest effects are produced in pictural composition and coloring. (Griswold 352)Throughout the novel, Hawthorne reveals character through the use of imagery and metaphor.In the first Chapter of The Scarlet Letter, "The Prison-Door", the reader is immediately introduced to the people of Puritan Boston. Hawthorne begins to develop the character of the common people in order to build the mood of the story. The first sentence begins, "A throng of bearded men, in sad-colored garments and gray, steeple-crowned hats, intermixed with women, some wearing hoods, and others bareheaded, was assembled in front of a wooden edifice, the door of which was heavily timbered with oak, and studded with iron spikes" (Hawthorne 45). Hawthorne's use of vivid visual images and his Aaccumulation of emotionally weighted details" (Baym xii) creates sympathy for the not yet introduced character, Hester Prynne, and creates an immediate understanding of the harshness of the Puritanic code in the people. The images created give the freedom to imagine whatever entails sadness and morbidity of character for the reader; Hawthorne does not, however, allow the reader to imagine lenient or cheerful people.Nathaniel Hawthorne's eloquent contrast of the jail and its captive, Hester Prynne, also creates a sympathy for the emerging prisoner. The "ugly edifice...was already marked with weather-stains and other indications of age, which gave a yet darker aspect to its beetle-browned and gloomy front" (Hawthorne 45). The depiction of the jail emphasizes its ugliness, and the mental pictures formed in the mind of the reader suggest an aspect of gloom and suffering. However, Hester Prynne's initial description brightly contrasts the jail's. Hester "was tall, with a figure of perfect elegance...she had dark and abundant hair, so glossy that it threw off sunshine with a gleam" (50). Her face was "beautiful from regularity of feature and richness of complexion" (50).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Diabetic Clinic For Ethnic Minority Health And Social Care Essay

This papers sets out the Isleworth wellness Centre for cultural minority nurse led diabetic clinic an ambitious docket for transmutation within the diabetic community wellness and present the most informed information and engineering system that will offer them choice service and authorise the manner of intervention, direction and diagnostic of Diabetes in the London borough of Hounslow. Harmonizing to intervention record of outpatient in Edward junior, Isleworth wellness Centre[ I ]indicates that 2.3 % ( ) of its current patients are diabetics. It ‘s on this respect that the undertaking was based to put apace with of all time demanding challenges of its patient ‘s multi-ethnic and multiracial human ecology of the British populace in partnership with Hounslow primary attention trust and the NHS to prolong and accomplish wellness for all challenges in the[ two ]twenty-first century. ( Hounslow primary attention trust ) In order to accomplish these challenges, the pattern come up with a program to spread out its current service of beside offering general patterns, besides offers specialist signifier of diabetic clinic that will cut down in its current signifier of extremely dependent onto infirmary referrals and long waiting line of exigency and accident Centres to acquire a speedy aid by the patients. The recent partnership formation by Isleworth wellness Centre with five other hot spot countries GPs of extremely vulnerable diabetes inhabited parts of Hounslow borough will do the Centre the most alone in its approached in ego readiness in undertaking this undetected threat within the society ‘s wellness and enrich this groups and all other suffers with chance to acquire information online, advice and aid required that will do them self pull off their diabetic state of affairs under control. The South Asiatic people of Indian beginning feel that they have been neglected and left out with small aid and that make them the disregarded category of people that live in countries societal deprived with no much societal comfortss and diversion Centre and less enriched public outdoor activities. The undertaking intends to counter these redresss in order to promote patient ‘s self instruction and direction system and set mechanism in topographic point to debar the degree of endemic of diabetes in the borough with a position of preparation, upgrading and heightening the service available over the intended services which will run into the needed marks and run into the people outlooks and aspirations with all the self-respect it deserves from our portion and that of our extremely qualified proficient adviser that will assist us accomplish this aspiration. The local population of[ three ]Hounslow borough is going older age and ethnically diverse with higher proportion of being black minority cultural ( BME ) group. There is demand of complexness of healthcare demand within the population and the pressing demand for better wellness attention service as the prevalence of Diabetic and high blood pressure is one that is of all time increasing in the recent old ages. ( Hounslow PCT ) 3.1 Project Title: Specialist nurse led Diabetic clinic in London borough of Hounslow Primary Care Trust ( PCT ) for Cultural minority at Isleworth Health Centre.3.3 BackgroundThe Isleworth Health Centre pattern support director has the aspiration us plan to incorporate four independently running patterns into one umbrella groups of GP who are presently called green creek wellness Centre. As the consequence of that amalgamation success, the pattern directors and the executive managers have besides thought of thought to spread out one of the chief patterns Centres, which is the Centre core operational countries for the four others to incorporate a specializer nurse led intervention for diabetic patient of Cultural minority who are extremely diagnosed group of people with diabetes. They have thought of dead set fount and three other countries where the freshly constituted group each wanted their single thoughts considered has triggered the pattern proprietors to bespeak our input in, transporting out a feasibleness surveies and countries assessment to give a determination support and suitableness of the locale and location within the range of the broad patients and local communities.4.1 IntroductionDiagnostic of diabetic disease can be of a major impact if non dictated before plenty to salvage life and the wretchedness of its complications including amputations and going for good disable.Sign and Symptoms of diabetesFrequent micturition particularly at dark Excessive thirst and dry lips Excessive hungriness Weight loss Blurred vision Fatigue Confused thought Recuring infections Slow healing of lesion[ four ]( Robert H. Phillips )4.2 PurposesWe need to increase consciousness of the hazards of been diabetic without cognizing yourself To give them a walk in clinic of their ain and build their capacity and assurance to portion each other ‘s experiences, tips and fast ones that made some to get the better of the disease more than the others. To advance s consciousness of the symptom in order to enable those who are non cognizant of their predicament of been diabetic could seek immediate medical attending. Making consciousness and publicity of healthy life styles by giving them the counsel on the best manner to self manage and avoid farther complicating of their life. Better on what methods could be used to circulate information in order to authorise patients and their households.4.3 ObjectiveThe aims of the undertaking was To acquire speedy and mensurable measure of people to be seen as their life improving and understand the complexness of the disease and familiarize themselves easy. To better self-management attention system among the people with diabetes and better entree to incorporate diabetes care services. To convey about sweeping in lifestyle alterations of this peculiar groups in modifying their wont of dieting and eating without impacting their cultural value and belief. To give them a engineering that they can utilize at their ain clip and infinite to acquire advice, latest intelligence on research about diabetes and newer medical specialties available to them on their finger tips. The diabetic clinic is puting self internal mark for patient attention and intervention of up to 30 a twenty-four hours where a sum of 7,800 patients diagnosed and cared for in the new clinic proposed in six months period. Supporting people with diabetes by giving them the best therapy available in the market by Management and control of blood glucose degrees. To cut down the Numberss of diabetic patients by bettering and advice the measure and the methods of avoiding the root causes, which is been obesity, fortune of exercising and feeding of excessively much sugary greasy and drug addict nutrient. In malice of the great paces that have been made in the intervention of diabetes in recent old ages, many patients do non accomplish optimum results and still experienced lay waste toing complication that consequence in a reduced quality of their life and such ruinous phenomenon could be avoided at every cost The wellness attention suppliers besides struggle to give the recommended degree of Nutritional information as of import stairss of effectual direction of diabetes and to protect those at hazard.5.1 Project range and demandsThe system to be developed is meant for Diabetic patients and other stakeholders to position and portion the resource. They can register online, book an assignments and acquire advice information linked to YouTube like picture advice and what other patient feel and state about the disease. They should besides login and question some of the pressing issue by station some inquiry online and acquire answer every bit shortly as it is applicable to the staff. Due to complexness of the disease it ‘s non possible at this phase to state how many users are meant to user it but it should suit as many people as it can defy.5.2 PremisesThe Centre has already some grade of installations that can be utilised for the intent of handling, reding and caring for the patients. There is one audience room available to the clinic and portion of the response to suit the new receptionist of diabetic clinic. There is besides adequate infinite to suit the GP outpatients and the diabetic patients to sit and interchange each other ‘s position in relaxed and friendly environments.5.3 Project JustificationHarmonizing to[ V ]Dr Rashmi Kaushal, adviser Endocrinologist who is specializer in diabetes at the West Middlesex Hospital estimates that 1 in 5 of the local people of Hounslow borough may be enduring from diabetes. This means that every bit many as 20 % of the population are most likely have some signifier of diabetes. In UK entirely there are over 2.4 million people harmonizing to the diabetes UK. ( NHS trust ) The research besides province that about 750,000 have the status of diabetes but do non cognize themselves and harmonizing to Hounslow primary attention trust at that place up to 10,000 people, are diabetes and farther 5,000 remain undiagnosed from the disease. ( NHS trust ) Hounslow is the largest place to Asian of Indian beginning and histories for 24.7 % of the population harmonizing to national norm of 4.6 % in UK. ( NHS trust ) joint reappraisal by the Diabetes UK and South Asian Health Foundation conclude that the south Asian who live in UK is about up to six times more likely to hold type 2 diabetes than the white European population and by 2025 diabetes prevalence predicted to be 47 % , will hold a greater impact to this group, if non averted at present phase where the warning is earlier adequate for us to move to avoid such contingencies ‘ . ( Diabetes org.Uk ) The undertaking will besides turn to those who could non make the service by puting an on-line web service that will convey to the bow most urgent issue of diabetic symptom so that the patients will do self opinion conditions to corroborate with a physician or non. The production of high criterion service to diabetic patients would be a really ambitious issue to undertake. Other grounds is for the diabetic community to hold an entree to free information on a web site, an online physicians advice and an online look intoing their current position whether one is enduring or non is rather ambitious undertaking to bring forth within the lifetime of this undertaking. The GPs will besides salvage some clip and money to better other general patients without the diabetic patients in attending of their services. Presently there are three staggering Centres in Hounslow borough those traffics with diabetic patients, which is run and managed by the diabetic charitable administration in Hounslow. Beside the three Centres that are making simple screen and referrals system. Newly proposed undertaking will further cut down force per unit area from the Centres by taking on board more of their patients in the waiting list. The Asian and the minority communities are the highest suffers of this slayer disease. As consequence many people in UK are deceasing at an earlier age due to type two diabetic complications. This has a batch of impact on the local communities and the NHS who should hold used its budget to be allocated to other signifier diseases intervention beside the diabetes.Hazard factored groups in UKThe most vulnerable and diabetes prone communities are people of South Asian, African, African- Caribbean, Polynesian, Middle eastern and American Indian decent are the most people who are at hazard of type 2 diabetes compared with the white population. They are vulnerable due to their household history, inactive, corpulent and conditions that triggers non merely type1, but besides type 2 diabetes which is known for undetected complication within those who have non seek treated earlier adequate. ( )The Diabetic prevalence in Hounslow Borough in comparing to other m ajor diseasesTable 2Prevalence of chronic Disease in London Borough of Hounslow 2005Local countries commissionDiabetessACHDAHigh blood pressureAAsthmaAAfigureratefigureratefigureratefigurerateChiswick 1,0052.00 %804 1.60 % 3,510 7.10 % 1,806 3.70 % Isleworth & A ; Brentford 11322.80 %846 2.10 % 3668 9.10 % 1913 4.80 % Central Hounslow 30834.80 %1972 3.10 % 7867 12.20 % 3190 5.00 % Heston & A ; Cranford 18304.60 %1076 2.70 % 4061 10.20 % 1836 4.60 % west countries 21503.80 %1408 2.50 % 6118 10.70 % 2759 4.80 % Hounslow PCT 9,2003.70 %6,106 2.40 % 25,224 10.00 % 11,504 4.60 % Beginning: Hounslow percentage ( choice direction and analysis system. Blue is the lowest rate and ruddy is the highest rate ) ( hypertext transfer protocol: // )6.1 Research studyThe undertaking research was conducted by a signifier of email contacts, by calling some of the stakeholders, the pattern through appoints and one to one interviews. Other on-line research was besides conducted through the university larning resource Centre and by go toing the faculties talks and workshops to derive more theoretical and practical facet of the undertaking viability, feasibleness survey and other signifier of executions.7.2 Undertaking Organisations and StakeholdersDR Edward JuniorPractice Executive DirectorDR Mohammad Rashidy Md MRCPDR Sowmya SreeharanBSc MRCP MRCPDr Pamela RaiMB CHBDr Asif MalikMRCGP MRCPNew Specialist NursePractice Manager:Michele LooslyNurse: Shirley SingingLead Receptionist:Christine PalmerNurse: Edle maskellReceptionist:Adelaide JohnsonReceptio nist:Kayleigh HarveyThe hierarchy above shows the Doctors and staff of the Isleworth wellness Centre who will be responsible of the patient ‘s interventions and undertaking long clip sustainability and success. The undertaking administration squad will be lead by the undertaking co-ordinator Cam faculty leader Mike forest, undertaking director is Dr Janet Cole Cam supervisor and undertaking Field leader is Mr Adan Ahmed Cam pupil.Stakeholders to this clinicThe GP practician Dr Edward junior The Hounslow Primary attention trust The Diabetic patients in Hounslow countries The Specialist nurse Mr Mohamed Osman Other Staff of Isleworth wellness Centre where the clinic is based The authorities Local council The Middlesex University Hospital The local Pharmacy Local stores, household members, friends and relations of the diabetic patients.7.3 Academic aimsThe academic aim is to acquire penetration of the undertaking direction and execution cognition as a hereafter undertaking director. The procedure of analyzing, planing and implementing of this undertaking will enable me as 3rd twelvemonth pupil, the ability to construction and develop project specification of the concern demands and demands of the client aim by accomplishing ends like, Ability to use undertaking aim Ability to analysis, design and construe informations as per the undertaking demand and specification The ability to understand the impact of the success and failure of the undertaking execution in existent life. Ability to run into coveted demands and restraints such as the undertaking execution in relation to, political, economic societal, technological, environmental, legal and ethical deduction that it may hold to the implementing squad and the undertaking lifetime and to that of the benefiting clients and patients at big.8.1 Client aimsThe current construction of the pattern does non suit much of diabetic patients as there were less resources and less trained work force to manage the state of affairs. The clients to accomplish the aspiration of its of all time spread outing demand for service bringing by the wider Hounslow population and the social-demographical alteration across Europe due human mass supplanting in seeking for green grazing land has forced the desire for enlargement and convey on board some signifier of specializer intervention for diabetic community in Isleworth Health Centre through the support of Hounslow primary attention trust..8.2 Personal aimsMy personal aim about the undertaking is to derive farther accomplishments to foreground in footings of undertaking research, undertaking direction, planning and executions as a hereafter undertaking director. To travel and make research in a new countries of medical field without holding a background of medical survey is a large challenge for me and to convey to the visible radiation the importance of the topic affairs for the public good. To stretch my ability in understand the complexness of the underlay facts that has non been brought to the bow for the improvement of this socially deprived group in footings of their diabetic prevalence within the cultural minorities in Hounslow primary attention trust. To believe further into complex and more critical issue in footings of peoples wellness and do research on them without have a medical grade, as an informatician is an accomplishment I am taking to develop farther so what this undertaking could offer to its clients in footings of reconstructing hope and success within their day-to-day life.8.3 Project ApproachAcademic aims The academic aim of the undertaking is to prosecute with the demands of the local community and pattern within the boundary of fit period to accomplish a certain standardized signifier of battle and present undertaking that will be good to the local society and to sharpen my academic making to that degree of undertaking adviser. The undertaking will expose a idea of a 3rd twelvemonth pupil thesis to turn out the degree of apprehension, the counsel accorded to the me in order to turn out that apprehension, certain criterion and process has to be follow and present the undertaking on that line of survey like prince2, DSDM Agile and XP procedure of package development and undertaking direction. What has been taught at the university has to be put into pattern and do it a world in order to profit the said community and highlight their immediate job and how best signifier of action can be developed from my accomplishments.8.4 Work Breakdown Structure ( WBS ) Activity programCalendar monthActivitiesMilestonesDate deliverables29 September Project feasibleness survey Meeting clients 17 November 2009 7 October Interviews with clients Interviewing client same 14 October Planing analysis study Meeting undertaking squad same 18 October PID progress degree coverage Desktop researching sameProduct Breakdown Structure ( PBS ) – Prince 2Documents & A ; merchandisesDeliverablesday of the monthsPelvic inflammatory disease First client meeting Interviews of staff and clients Feasibility survey Project team board meeting PID progress degree coverage Submission of Biding undertaking 29/9/2009 5/10/2009 16/10/2009 19/10/2009 12/11/2009 19/11/2009 Analysis Case survey of the undertaking Software usage analysis Earlier user instance diagram Design Earlier paradigm design Uml and database User instance Class diagram ERD diagram Sequence diagram Execution Execution model Agile procedure DSDM Prince 2 Testing Black box proving EVALUATING Quality Assurance Impact analysis9.1 Project BudgetItemDescriptionCostInitials Budget allocatedGrant from Diabetes UK, Hounslow PCT & A ; GP?10,000Nurse Training disbursalsSpecialist fee upfront and allowances?2,750Consultant feeCoding, proving and execution of package?750Staff engagingReceptionist and excess per clip nurse?2,500operating expensesRents, measures and others?1,500Equipments and toolTherapies, beds, Glucometer and drug?1,500Software and HardwareWeb development and other signifiers of tool?1,000Entire10,0009.2 SWOT & A ; PESTLE factors to see:FactorCould include:Swot analysis & A ;PoliticalThe authorities may present new system to do the populace to pay for their ain medicine. The populace may defy the new undertaking through tribunal action to exclude Cultural minorities given any penchant over the autochthonal people. If BNP won the election of following, they plan to take all none autochthonal people from Britain and this will do the undertaking relevant and useless Internal: The clinic has four other spouses where patients can be seen and treated at that place. The GP has other funders like Diabetes UK and many none governmental organic structures support. External: the rivals may besides dispute their competencies of Nurse led diabetic clinic They may open similar service and private patients intervention cut down their figure of patients hence cut down supportEconomicThe current economical clime of recession may do the NHS to prostration and hence undertaking fails as it depends on NHS for fund. New and inexpensive signifier of therapy development may render the clinic irrelevant. Internal: may non be feasible to run Cost of running is really high against the income from the givers like NHS External: the authorities alteration of program to provide for the cost of intervention The therapies monetary value hiking and patient could non afford to pay for itSocialThe Ethnic minority may non come out and seek intervention for fright of reprisal while others may non even both to seek intervention Making the GP to abandon the undertaking earlier at proving and rating period. Internal: the patient may became shy from male Nurse handling them due to their cultural barriers The patient may still hold troubles go toing the clinic to avoid going with coach, alternatively travel to their local GP External: the GP has no socializing installations like eating house where they could come and eat and imbibe and avoid all together Patients find boring to go to and from the clinic and avoid perturbations.TechnologicalThe find of new medical specialty by research workers for Diabetic patients may turn the undertaking irrelevant in its entireness and ends lifetime of the undertaking. Internal: utilizing on-line system may be excessively complex for staff and avoid looking at on-line engagement, doing patients frustrated The staff became excessively busy to read and answer electronic mails and make unneeded holds for the patients External: Most of the patients due to endorse land may non read and compose doing system relevant for usage. Due to habit of merely booking assignment through phoning of the GP, patient may non even use system often.EthicalEthically many Indians celebrate Diwali with really sweet nutrient and hence taking the advice of the specializer nurse for altering their wellness life style of eating healthy nutrient agencies giving up of their cultural belief. This may damage the credibleness of the nurse, in reding the them to cut down or halt all together any inordinate sugary nutrient, without exasperating them. Internal: stating the patient halt eating sweet nutrient may damage the relationship as it ‘s their cultural belief to eat sweet nutrient on Diwali twenty-four hours. Cultural barrier may render the service un of import to patients External: the preparation of staff and registry with GMC and NHSLegalHealth and safety has to be adhered to at all clip and former informations in the system should be destroyed and deleted from the system. Internal: cheque and develop the staff of the legal deductions of running merely cultural minority clinic. Complains like racial maltreatment claim against the clinic will be unsafe External: all staff should be registered with the concerned organic structures of professional making to fulfill the criterion of intervention offered.EnvironmentalWrongly utilizing their therapies like needle to pierce the finger may be thrown manner in the street and do environmentally risky for others. Internal: the usage of therapy preparation and disposal method should underscore . Patient may through it anyplace, this may ensue clinic to be fined by the council garbage section External: patients ignorance of disposal of waste stuffs may be accused of environmentally unfriendly The council could salvage a tribunal order for that ground as risky11.1 Investigation techniquesThe fact-finding techniques used this undertaking is based on field appraisal, interviews, run intoing the GP staff and the stakeholders, presentation of the demand of the undertaking and11.2 InterviewingThe complete portion one and portion two of the suitableness and convenience of the undertaking and the GP from the point of the pattern director, patient and adviser position will be included in the concluding undertaking as portion two will be conducted subsequently January to supervise advancement and all inclusions of all the concerned parties.11.3 Feasibility survey techniquesThe feasibleness survey techniques used was by carry oning interviews with patients and the proactive directors and executive managers, directing out questionnaires to the concerned parties like the Hounslow PCT, Middlesex Hospital and the local communities that will impact as consequence of this undertaking or b e a donees on the hereafters of this undertaking. A brief study was besides conducted by the undertaking adviser before many any decision to transport out the undertaking initial paperss to be presented to the clients who in this instance is my personal coach Dr Janet Cole and Mike Woodland as the executive undertaking co-ordinator in order for the undertaking to be approved and accepted as standardized binding application for the undertaking project and its viability to the concern demand and the donees and other stakeholders like external testers has to be put into consideration.11.4 TechniquesThe techniques that will be used are the web development linguistic communication like hypertext markup language, xml and PHP and Dreamweaver package for the web developments and MYSQL and Apaches as the database and waiter severally. There new readymade engineering of web development presently used in E-commerce faculty that has ready waiter and some basic input that does non necessitate to construct from abrasions at this twenty-four hours and age of engineering there will be no more utilizing of hypertext markup language and edifice web site with database from the abrasion any more. Two of this illustrations are shopify and magento amalgamation with Xampp package which is a free beginning. The undertaking direction and development manner used are Prince 2 UML and Agile. Other methods to be included are Swot analysis, Pestle, Rich image, and user instances requirement catalogue interviews and HCI11.5 Functional and non-functionalThis will done subsequently on the concluding stage of the undertaking, at this clip is non a precedence but, subsequently on as the undertaking advancement to its concluding execution and rating so this will became an of import portion of the procedure and will be to the full included on the finals study.12.1 Description of the current systemThe present system in topographic point is a rather boring one where 1 has to name for an assignment in order to see even their local GP. The patient so is been referred to hospital depending to the state of affairs and status of the patient. Then the infirmary will book an assignment for him or her to see a specializer in minimal period of six to thirteen hebdomads clip. Soon the diabetic patients queue in the same line with any other patients waiting to be attended to and this make the affair really complex for them when the patient glucose is flat is really high and that needed immediate attending and that you can non leap the queuing system and the patients can non shout to explicate to every that he or she is in a really awkward state of affairs and needed aid. The GP is presently holding merely one telephone line and when the one line is engaged than you have to wait for a long clip to speak to human and this made affair farther really complex to cover with in a day-to-day footing of the operation of the GP and forced patients travel to Emergency & A ; Accident unit of the Middlesex Hospital to acquire assist if their ain GP could non be contacted12.2 Design – possibilitiesThe design of the undertaking will follow Agile package system analysis and proving method to implement the undertaking as it ‘s easy to manage and follow up with upfront bringing and of PID, paradigm presentation and posting presentation followed by concluding study. As you design and review with traveling to a later revisable phases. Agile manner undertaking development life rhythm will be used. The undertaking will besides follow the Prince 2 direction and control manner of undertaking development lifecycle DSDM12.3 Proposal of alternate solutions recommendationsTo develop a web page that has all the nexus from Nurse to specialist Doctor to assist patient seek ego intervention with the support of available information and support provided by this site in a user friendly mode. The site should hold a full entree database that will separate the diabetic patient entered information from assortment of disease symptoms that will cut down the premise that the patient is non a diabetic but has related diseases. The queuing and calling the pattern to see a physician should discontinue forthwith as all the primary beginning of concerned is addressed at the web page where all the needed information and intervention is available at this site 24/7 and needed no physician to explicate the facts. The current Glucometer should be improved to read around seven major disease than its current province of merely ready digital numeral Numberss runing from 0-100 without lucubrating what precisely it is approximately and alternatively advice patient to seek immediate attending of a physician if his last known reading degree has exceeded the 24 hours reading in the memory. The Glucometer should besides provide for those who have blurred vision and added some characteristics that is of helpful to deaf and blind to assist understand their reading alternatively of seeking aid every clip.12.4 TimescalesThe undertaking will take to implement between six to seven month depending on the blessing of the interest holders and the undertaking direction squad. Presently the pattern could non do determination as to where it should establish the pattern of specialise diabetic clinic as there were new amalgamation of patterns that are scattered in five different but strategically place place and this consequence the urgency and desire for the input of a undertaking adviser to assist decide the undertaking location and justification while utilizing other patterns as back up Centres to run the undertaking efficaciously.DocumentsSTART DATEEnd DatePelvic inflammatory disease 05/10/2009 16/11/2009 Analysis 16/11/2009 18/12/2009 Design 18/12/2009 18/01/2010 Execution 18/01/2010 04/02/2010 Testing 04/02/2010 04/03/2010 EVALUATING 08/03/2009 05/05/201013.1 Gantt chartPlease look into the Gantt in the Appendix A on page 1713.2 RISK ANALYSIS TABLESNameEventuality programExtenuationBadnessInternalExternalProbabilityMeeting the mark Time constrains Patient acceptableness about Nurse handling them as specializer medium yes yes 65 % Nurse reluctant to take occupation Give nurse some clip off to develop Make certain other GP nurse do n't do confusion for the patient high yes yes 50 % Fiscal constrains due to recession Negotiate with stakeholders Fund may be reduced treating patients high yes yes Other rivals ‘ Private GPs may set about the occupation Patient may wish the service offered for wage but quality medium yes 50 % The monetary value of therapies may be expensive Reduce monetary value and even give free New Glucometer may be expensive for NHS to buy medium yes 55 % Technology Development of new appliances New Glucometer that can state when take therapy to patients is the market high yes 35 % New find of medical specialty Follow up and see All patient may travel for new therapy and leave the clinic medium yes 80 % Unanticipated failures Its unpredictable and unanticipated Any issue unpredictable should be all cheques and fixed as it go high both both 70 % Government alteration of policy May do intervention money for all Those who could non afford should be seek aid from charities medium both both 50 %14.1 Internal factors project hazardRanksNameDurationImpactBudgetInternal HazardExternal Hazard1 Meeting the marks 6 months medium medium both both 2 The figure of people overwhelm the GP Long term high high both both 3 Unanticipated failures immediate medium low Both both The undertaking has several hazard attached to, like the viability in long clip puting in it, where if a new medical specialty is discovered to handle the diabetic patients and drug becomes available at the high street counters than the undertaking lifetime will came to an terminal. The scientist discover cistron that is attached to human variety meats that can be treated with certain simple beltway operations and the diabetic patient get cured by this simple mechanism than the undertaking viability will besides be affected in a long clip venture earnestly. The current economical state of affairs of the state acquire worsens and that NHS became belly-up than the lifetime of this undertaking will decidedly came to an terminal.14.2 ControlThe method used to command the undertaking will establish on the Prince2 and nimble manner of direction where the undertaking feasibleness survey will be delivered and followed by the first stage of the paradigm design presentation and followed by the posting presentation to the clients and the concluding bringing of the whole procedure of the undertaking execution and rating in finishing the procedure by updating hazard log and papers readying good in progress for concluding bringing of the undertaking in guaranting smooth return over by the client.14.3 Project Report Weightings Marks.ItemsMarks weightEntire MarkssAnalysis25 %120Design45 %Execution25 %Evaluation25 %14.3 DecisionThe undertaking is non that complex and large plenty to make some kind of confusion to implement. The range of the research is excessively boring and complex as I have to research through 1000 of papers of information to analysis in order to come up with filtered informations that is precise, easy to understand and readable adequate to do the determination shapers to move and do decisive opinion for the undertaking to travel caput as agenda in this undertaking initial papers. I have try really venue to do it clear and associate the resource if farther elucidation are required with easy and flow of information both from the beginning and the demand to convey them on board to this papers as manner of legalizing the importance of the service bringing to this extremely vulnerable group of people to type 1 and 2 diabetes to accomplish the line of life of their life clip.14.1 Appendix Angstrom14.2 Appendix BHandiness of resourceNumber of sites has really utile resource of information for both the staff and the patients. The staff of the clinic can entree database of the quality result model administration that sporadically roll uping informations from GPs across UK and analysis to update the prevalence and diagnostic and other signifier of betterments done or received by the patients. Diabetess UK, patients, UK NHS and Hounslow percentage are few of the sites that carry rather good advice for both patients and staffs Access cyberspace web sites for advice, on-line information of diabetes, interventions available, statistical figures, cognition on diabetes related wellness jobs, petition for a free Glucometer and replacing therapies available every bit good as drugs available on prescription. Electronic mails can be sent in add-on to posting short message on the web site in order to achieve a speedy response from the clinic and other staff that are working in concurrence with the specializer nurse. Telephone conversations can besides be arranged to acquire responses. This may be ideal for those who are busy and can non give a speedy response by missive or electronic mail. Questionnaires can be placed in surgeries, dental patterns, and pharmaceuticss to obtain diabetics patients sentiments. Consequences from questionnaires obtained from pharmaceuticss can be retrieved from Hounslow PCT to see what services need bettering and what services are missing. Posters, cusps, media coverage, exposure of diabetes related diseases to do tobacco users cognizant of the wellness hazards.QualityUse latest information from the cyberspace ( e.g. NHS, Cancer Research UK, Net Doctor, ASF,, the database of quality result model ( QOF ) ) , medical and pharmaceutical books, medical diaries ( e.g. British Medical Diaries ( BMJ ) who are trusted medical publishing houses supplying information on medicine that can help the determinations physicians and patients make every twenty-four hours ) and the DH. Quality confidence cheques can be made to see how consequences are summarised to guarantee they are recorded in the best possible manner and in manner as to reflect true responses. The authorities can supply up-to-date information on diabetes, including the figure of diabetic patients in a peculiar part of the UK, and can besides supply information on what future programs are to set about the turning issue of diabetic diseases.DependabilityThe facts and figures from Hounslow PCT will be accurate as it ‘s besides a authorities service, so it will hold up-to-date information on local diabetes consultative services and diabetic disease within the local country. The PCT will look into with pharmaceuticss and surgeries on the figure of diabetes within the country and the information needed can be obtained from the PCT. BMJ have a web site, and to entree the medical diaries in deepness there are subscription charges, monetary values depend on whether user would wish diaries sent in the station and to see on the web site. British National Formulary site is updated by Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and Medicines and Healthcare merchandises Regulatory Agency who are responsible for the criterions of safety, quality and public presentation of drugs and medical contraptions issued in the UK markets14.3 Appendix C.The diabetic graphs harmonizing Hounslow percentageThe degree of patient positions and contacts and interventions done by the GP and why the pattern is sing the enlargement sing diabetes clinic is due the fact that it ‘s based in a strategically of import point of contact. The Isleworth wellness Centre is on the London route thatResidentialThe GP is within the scope of the most patient ‘s residential countries like Syon Park, ivy span estate, Brentford, greater Isleworth community, Hounslow cardinal trade Ford and Heston.Transport links- BussThe GP can be entree by coachs from Hounslow is H20 which frequent right in forepart of the GP and link the remainder of Isleworth , Tesco Twickenham and Hounslow cardinal to civic Centre while 267 coachs connects to shepherd shrub green, Hammersmith, Brentford and Twickenham town Centre to full good bus garage.TrainsThe nearest train station are Isleworth and Twickenham both walking distance and besides connectable via coachs 267, H20,418,281 and 237 respective in really root all this coachs are connectable from Isleworth, Brentford, Hounslow high street and Twickenham train station to southern trains that connect to the remainder of London via Waterloo. There is walking distance of 6, 10, 15 minute from Isleworth station, Twickenham station and Syon park station severally. Advantage The advantage of Isleworth wellness Centre over its rivals is that, the pattern is the most favorable for the undertaking to NHS and Hounslow primary attention trust in footings of its strategically place within the residential habitation of the diabetic patients and approachable localities via public conveyance, train and by walking in clinic makes it more convenient. Isleworth wellness Centre has late formed partnership with five other General patterns within Hounslow borough and can outsource some of its patients harmonizing to their ZIP codes to avoid overcrowding of one peculiar Centre and easy pull off the flow of patients attention and intervention with less force per unit area and this is a immense advantage over its concern rivals. The umbrella name of the new amalgamation is named as green creek health care group of GPs and their patient registered prevalence of diabetes. They are: Isleworth wellness Centre ( diabetes prevalence 2.6 % ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Ashford wellness Centre ( diabetes prevalence new no statistic found ) Bed fount clinic ( diabetes prevalence 5.9 % ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Chinchilla Centre for wellness ( diabetes prevalence 4.1 % Heston pattern ( diabetes prevalence 4.7 % Manor pattern ( diabetes prevalence 2.9 % ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) The current diabetic patient intervention and care given in an overall per centum compared to other Hounslow pattern and the national norm of the diabetes patients study is represented this graph tabular array below. Patient study conducted in 2009 and this graph of the several countries of response the patient gave their positions on the attention and service they received from the pattern. Satisfaction study of patient assurance to acquire aid and care support offered by the clinic in general in this twelvemonth ( hypertext transfer protocol: // The reply to the inquiry is in the signifier of per centum as per the general feedback given by the overall patients presently registered in the GP. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Rich Picture1: The rich image for the users, stakeholders, moneymans, the regulators and direction proprietors.18.1 Appendix DRich Picture 2: for the diabetic patient and its stakeholders connected to the service suppliers and carersBeginning of GP incomeThe GP in UK are contracted by the NHS in return for service to the populace by a formalization and wage bundle signed agreed in a charter in 1965 by the section of Health. The dossier which was called the ruddy book contains the expression to cipher the payment and intervention of patient per visit. The method was classified in to six classs: Service dependent income The basic pattern allowance The standard capitation fee The want payment Rural pattern payment Seniority paymentsAverage GP income for the last 15 old ages.Although this information was old informations that in 2008/09 reappraisal of wage bundle for GPs are non included and hence merely added this information for income of GP presentations which is derived from assorted factors lake age, demographic population and child vaccinations and immunizations are non included in this computations.Item199520002005Income including patterns cost63,991106,652230,097Practice cost21,70036,167129,927Income excepting pattern cost42,29170,485100,170hypertext transfer protocol: // Reference and BibliographyPull offing cognition and accessing demand of Hounslow people Hounslow pct study of 2007/08 page 6 of 52 and pdf file For more in for QOF database hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // entree on the 12/10/2009 at 13.25pm Income development of General Practitioners in eight European states from 1975 to 2005 Madelon W Kroneman, Jouke Van der Zee, and Wim Groot hypertext transfer protocol: // on 3/11/2009 at 20.15 autopsyPull offing clinical jobs in diabetic and Edited by Trish dunning and Glenn ward First published in 2008 by Blackwell Publishing company ltd e-book in e-resource of larning resource Centre at Kingston university, Page 5, 165, 177 hypertext transfer protocol: //, buttons.eBookView.sdirect? sp=S9780470698099 Date entree on 27/10/2009 at 22.10pm Diabetic prevalence in Hounslow the borough countries. The tabular array of statistic is extracted from this web site. hypertext transfer protocol: // the site was visited on the 17th October 2009 at 20.51 autopsy Diabetes a theoretical account of wellness attention direction p10 and p11, the paper was researched and written by William Laing and Rhys Williams and forwarded by Lord Butterfield. Published at Office of wellness economic sciences on October 1989, 12 Whitehall London sw1a 2dy World blind tendency for diabetes and signifier of practical damage hypertext transfer protocol: // Diabetess Dr Diabetess hypertext transfer protocol: // Gestational diabetes and diabetic in gestation adult femaleshypertext transfer protocol: // for LondonReport – Diabetes attentionHounslow Primary Care TrustReport on the PCT ‘s public presentation on attention for people with diabetes July 2008 hypertext transfer protocol: // Accessed on the 18/10/2009 at 15.17pmFigure 2.2.6 Prevalence of Chronic Diseases by Committee Area, 2005The study on Hounslow primary attention trust on public wellness page 106hypertext transfer protocol: // on 11/10/2009 at 12.25 autopsyFor more in for QOF database hypertext transfer protocol: // Diabetess UK desk at Middlesex infirmaryDiabetess UK and south Asiatic foundationhypertext transfer protocol: // Diabetess and south Asiatic foundation recommendation to reexamine the impact hypertext transfer protocol: // Mellitus, hazard factored group of diabetes people in ukPatients UK web sitehypertext transfer protocol: // on 31/10/2009 at 16.01pmRashmi Kaushalhypertext transfer protocol: // followers are the contacts about the diabetes clinic and diabetes direction in Middlesex university infirmaryMrs Parminder Diabetic specializer NurseTel: 02083216468MR Rashmi KaushalConsultant Endocrinologist who specialises in diabetes at the West Middlesex University HospitalOther contacts by electronic mail to acquire more of the undertaking importance to patientsdavidcahill @